O kadar cok fotograf var ki birini
secerken digerini oksuz birakmis gibi hissediyorum o yuzden
fotograflari postlara boldum ve bu post sadece hazirlik asamasindan
ibaret. Iyi seyirler, sevgili okur !
Kiliseden sonra apar topar dugunumuzun
yapilacagi A'jia Hotel icin yola koyulduk. Orada olmamiz gereken
vakitten 2 saat gecikmeli olarak ulasinca elim ayagima dolasmadi
degil. Cunku durmak bilmeyen yagmur, trafigi durdurmayi basarmis,
hotelin teknesinin kaptanini cumburlop bogaza atmis ve islerimizi
aksatmisti. Neyse ki o kadar profesyonel bir ekiple calistim ki,
birlikte her seyin ustesinden geldik ve gunun sonunda her seyi
istedigimiz gibi bitirdik.
We have so many pictures that it's hard
to choose. While I choose one, I don't want to leave the other nice
one so, I decided to divide pictures into different posts. This one
is only about the preparations. Enjoy, dear reader !
After church ceremony in panic we
headed to A'jia Hotel where we made our wedding party. We were
already late and other surprises such as endless rain, traffic jam
and falling of the hotel's boat captain into Bosphorus were waiting
for us. All these difficulties caused our late arrival which is two
hours later than agreed on. Those were enough to make a bride feel
two times more stress. Thank God, we were working with a professional
equip that each of them specialised and really successful in their
own fields. At the end of the day, we put such a good show together
that we finished everything as we planned and wished before.
Her ne kadar cocuklugumdan beri gelinlerin ihtisami hosuma gitse de, hic bir zaman daha evlenecegi adami bulmadan sac ve gelinlik modeline karar veren kizlardan olmadim ben. Fakat o gun geldiginde her zaman oldugum Ezgi'den farkli biri olmak da istemedigimden adim kadar emindim. Iste o gun geldi ve ben olabildigince kararimin arkasinda durmaya calistim. Sac provama gittigimde kafamdaki model belliydi ve sevgili kuaforum Nedim'i hic yormadan bir modelle isi bitirdik. Her zaman yaptigim makyajin ve sac modelinin biraz daha geline benzeyen versiyonunu denedik ve cok ama cok da hosuma gitti.
Although I love the glamour of the brides since I was a little girl, I've never became one of those girls who has already decided to hair and wedding dress model before they find the man that they are going to marry. But there was one thing I was sure about; when the time comes, I wouldn't be someone different than real Ezgi. It is time and I tried to keep my word to myself. When I went to my hair & make-up rehearsal, everything was so clear in my mind that, without exhaust my hairdresser Nedim too much and make-up artist Yagmur, we finished everything so quickly. As a result, we decided to create similar than the daily Ezgi but putting more bride style and I really really like it.
Istanbul'da yasamadigim icin kuafor bulmak da pek kolay olmadi tabi. Fakat her konuda yardimima kosan otelimizin ziyafet satis muduru Candan Hanim bu konuya da el atti ve beni buyuk bir dertten kurtardi. Yukarida bahsettigim gibi sacim icin sevgili Nedim Dogulu ya, makyajim icin ise Yagmur Aybi'ye kendimi biraktim. Sonuctan ancak bu kadar memnun kalabilirdim. Ikisi de islerinde oldukca basarili profesyonel iki insan. Hic dusunmeden kendinizi ellerine birakabilirsiniz. Burdan ikisine de tekrar cok tesekkur ederim. Bu arada sevgili kuaforumu instagram dan da takip etmek icin tik tik nedimdogulu.
As I am not living in Istanbul, it wasn't easy finding a hairdresser who will understand me better. But the sales manager of our hotel Candan Kocadoeli who always come to my help in everything, rescued me one more time and found a solution. As I told above I deliver myself to Nedim Dogulu for my hair and to Yagmur Aybi for my make-up. Result ? It couldn't be the best. Both of them are real professionals and successful people. You can deliver yourself to their hands without hesitating. I thank again both of them. Btw to follow my hairdresser on instagram click click nedimdogulu.
Kayinvalidem Michelle ile...
With my mother in-law Michelle...
Sacima ve duvagima takilacak cicekleri secerken...
While I was choosing flowers were used for my hair and veil...
Canim annem, herseyim...
My mother, everything...
Gelin buketi acisindan sansli gelinlerdendim, iki tane buketim oldu. Kilise toreni icin tercihimi tamamen beyaz sakayiklardan yana kullanirken, dugun gecesi nikah alanimizla uyumlu kir cicegi gorunumlu bir buket tercih ettim. Pazar gunu ise kilise buketimi anneme anneler gunu hediyesi olarak takdim ettim. Sanirim daha guzel bir hediye dusunulemezdi:)
I was a lucky bride in terms of bouquet, because I had two different one. While I preferred white paeonias for church ceremony, for the wedding party I decided to use more colour similar to flowers on our arc. The day after on sunday I gave my church bouquet as a mother's day gift.
Gelinlik secmek ise tum bu sureclerin en kolayiydi benim icin. Her seyde oldugu gibi gelinlikte de tercihim en sade olanindan yanaydi. Dantel detayini duvagima sakladim. Zaten gosterisli bir duvak olacagindan gelinligi sade tutmayi tercih ettim. Kabarik ve bolca dantelli gelinlikler listemin disindaydi. Bu gelinligi bir dergide gorup, asik olup hemen gidip denedim ve gordum ki benim icin bicilmis kaftandi. Bir ikinciyi denememe gerek bile kalmadi.
Choosing wedding dress was the easiest stage of all these preparations. As i wanted to keep everything simple, i wanted to do the same while choosing wedding dress. Already, lace and puffy dresses were out of my list. Instead I keep all lace details in my veil. As soon as I saw my wedding dress in a magazine, i said "this is what i am looking for" and went to boutique to try. Then I saw that this is just the right thing. I didn't even bother trying the second one.
Tabi ki her postta ayri ayri tesekkuru hak eden, her animizi olumsuzlestiren sevgili fotografcimiz Mujgan Culfa ve ekibine sonsuz tesekkurler.
Enless thanks to our photographer Mujgan Culfa and her equip who immortalise every moment of us.
Wedding dress : Pronovias
Veil : Pronovias
Shoes : Repetto
Jean Baptiste
Suit & Shirt & Bow Tie: Artling (tailor made)
Shoes : J. M Weston
Place: A'jia Hotel