Luks kavrami kisiden kisiye degisir fakat her ne kadar pahali zevklerim olsa da ben gizlenen luksu sevmisimdir. Hic bir seyi goze sokmadan, fosforlu kalmelerle uzerini cizmeden... Bu yuzden Monaco pek benlik bir sehir degildi diyebilirim. Her bir sokaginin muntazam cizgileri, temizligi, pariltisi bana fazla fosforlu geldi, gozlerimi aldi ama tatmin edemedi. Mesela ben sadece yolundan gecip de ziyaret edemedigimiz Eze de kimseyi fosforlu renklerimle rahatsiz etmeden manzarli kucuk evimde luksun doruklarina varabilirim. Siz ne dersiniz ?
The notion luxury is flexible. Although I have an expensive taste, I always prefer hidden luxury. Not flashing it around and not highlighting it... That's why, to be honest, Monaco is not a kind of city I can enjoy that much. Coordinate lines, purity, glimmer of each street is too phosphoric for me. But I still feel happy to visit this unique country. On the other hand, I blink to Eze where we couldn't have chance to visit on our way. I could culminate my joy there with my imaginary scenic home. What about you ?
Zara pants and t-shirt / Chanel flats / Laffargue purse