Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Circus of Fashion

Sirkleri andiran moda haftalarini bitirdikten sonra blog ve moda dunyasi artik kendine gelmistir sanirim diyerekten basliyorum postuma. Her ne kadar anlamli ve guzel etkinliklerle dolu olsada moda haftalari, onlari anlamsizlastiran ve cirkinlestiren bir cok insanla da dolu oldugunu farketmissinizdir eminim. Sadece bizim ulkemizde degil dunyanin her yerinde duzenlenen bu etkinlikleri bazi bloggerlar ya da moda kurbanlari o kadar fazla ciddiye aliyor ki bize de eglenecek malzeme cikiyor haliyle. Oncelikle Man Repeller'in NYFW icin hazirladigi videoyu izledikten sonra gecen ay New York Times'ta yayinlanan ve postuma baslik olan makaleyi okumanizi siddetle tavsiye ediyorum. Sanirim hem makale hem de video butun duygularima tercuman olacak. Hepinize mutlu bir hafta diliyorum ! 

After fashion weeks which resemble the circuses , I think all blog and fashion world have already recovered. Although fashion weeks are full of joy and meaning, I'm sure you realize couple of people trying to make them meaningless and horrible. Not only in our country, but also all over the world there are fashion victims or bloggers who take them so serious that it gives us lots of supplies to make fun of them. First of all after you watch the video prepared by Man Repeller for NYFW, I highly recommend you to read the article published in last month in New York Times which also gives the name on this post. I think the article and the video represent my true feelings. Wish you all a wonderful week !

Zara trenchcoat / Mango top / A.P.C cardigan / Vintage jeans / Chanel ballerinas


Friday, March 15, 2013

I want to be, I want to see

Cocuklugumdan beri kimselere gostermedigim, kimselerin bilmedigi bir defterim vardir benim gunluk desen degil, hatira desen yok oda degil; hayal defterim. Hayallerimi yazdigim ordan burdan kesip yapistirdigim fotograflarla dolu olan ama yasim ilerledikce pek bir ihmal ettigim defterimin sayfalarini bu bogucu gunde acip, yillardir gormek istedigim ve henuz o sansi bulamadigim yerlerin fotograflarini gorunce bloguma aktarayim, sizlerle paylasayim istedim ve yine hayallere dalip gittim. Peki simdi soyleyin bana,  siz nerede olmak isterdiniz ?

Since my childhood, I've been keeping a notebook that nobody knows about it. It's not for a diary or memory; it's for my dreams and wishes. I write about my top places want to go, things want to taste, concerts want to see and many other things. Some of them became real but some of them still on my list. But I don't know why I neglect this notebook in these days Maybe I'm getting older :) Today, on this boring and cloudy day, I open it again and I saw the sticked pics of the places I want to like a crazy so, I decided to share them with you and that made my dreams revive again. So tell me,  where would you like to be ? 

Machu Picchu is the first place I really want to visit

Nazca lines is another places that I die to see in Peru

After reading lots of Ancient Greek and Roman literature books and philosophers, I want to visit Acropolis 

Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodia; with the roots of the thousand year-old trees, I'm sure it's an amazing place

Bagan, Myanmar there is nothing to say. Everything is obvious and this place must be the heaven.

Safari in Africa was my dream and now it's a dream for me and for my little brother so I promise him to take him there. Let's see...

Lastly, hanged bridge in Costa Rica looks fun ! 

There are many places waiting for us to visit. I wish all my life I will able to visit all over the world. That's one of the biggest wish of me. 

Also wish you all an amazing weekend people ! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

As Hemingway Says...

Amerikali unlu yazar Hemingway'in o cok sevdigim cumlesinde dedigi gibi " Il n'y a que deux endroits au monde où l'on puisse  vivre heureux: chez soi et à Paris (Dunyada mutlu yasayabilecegimiz sadece iki yer vardir : eviniz ve Paris)" Bende bu sozden yola cikarak hazirladim postumu. Bir hafta kalmama ragmen Jb'nin is yogunlugundan dolayi muzelere, galerilere tek basima gidip, her yeri yalniz dolasmak zorunda kaldim ayrica  benim "amaann hic gelmedigim yer mi sanki azcik evde yatip yuvarlanip sevgilime sarmalar dolmalar sarayim bir daha nerde bulucak" kibirliligim ve ev hanimi ruhumun birdenbire fiskirmis olmasinin da katkisi yadsinamaz. Eminim Hemingway 'in kastettigi sey bu degildi ama hicbir sey bu cektigim en guzel Paris kareleriyle, evimde hazirlamis oldugum outfit postunu birlestirmeme engel degil. Maksat blog amacindan sasmasin :)

As a beloved American writer Hemingway says "Il n'y a que deux endroits au monde où l'on puisse  vivre heureux: chez soi et à Paris (There are only places in the world where can live happily : at home and in Paris)" So I prepared this post by evolving out of this quote. Although I stayed one week in Paris , I didn't able to make a lovely outfit posts because  JB was too busy, I hang around the museums and galleries alone, also my arrogance didn't let me do it so much saying that "Paris is not a new thing for me, I want to stay at home, relax and cook for JB; he won't be able to find me for a long time it's better to make his stomach happy" Do you see my desperate housewife soul here ? Anyway I'm sure Hemingway didn't want to mean it but it can not stop me to join the beautiful Paris pics into the outfit pics prepared at home. Mission is to protect the aim of this blog :) 

Daily routine St Paul 

Walking through Musee D'orsay

Louvre in the night; had an appointment with JB 

Here is the proof ; the preparation for JB's birthday party ;) 

I think "La Cigale Recamier" was the only reason to make this post I still feel the taste of its soufflés. Highly recommended if you want to eat best soufflé of Paris. 

Stradivarius jacket / Zara jeans / Christian Louboutin pumps / Balenciaga purse


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Saturday Breakfast

Ben skildim gezi postlarindan siz skilmadiniz mi ? Ne giydim postlari yapmayi ozledim o yuzden biraz ara Marsilya ve Paris postlarina. Daha dogrusu bu post gercek hayata donusun hatirina olsun. Minikkus Asiye ile artik klasiklesen cumartesi kahvaltilarimizdan (brunch degil :)  birinde yine bir araya geldik ve iste bu kez post yapmayi becerebildik.
Hepinize harika bir hafta diliyorum !

I got bored of travel posts, what about you ? I miss outfit posts so let's give a short break to upcoming Marseille and Paris posts. And let's say this post is for the sake of turning back real life. We were together with Minikkus Asiye in one of our classical saturday breakfast (not brunch :) and this time we were able to take some pictures.
Wish you a wonderful week !

 Here we are :) 

Twist jacket / COS top and necklace / Zara leggings / Chanel flats / Balenciaga purse 

Again special thanks to Asiye for these pics <3