Anlaşılan o ki benim için tatil henüz bitmemiş. Yine çantamı kaptığım gibi kendimi havaalanında buldum, tabii bir kaç saat sonra da anneciğimin, babacığımın ve kardeşlerimin kollarında. Elimde olsa her haftasonunu, sadece annemin muhteşem kahvaltı sofrası için bile, onlarla geçirebilirdim. Neyse şimdi konumuz hala Marsilya'da geçirdiğimiz haftasonu... İlk günümüz etrafımızı, sokakları tanımakla geçti. Vaktimiz de az olduğundan pek fazla sanat etkinliğine katılamadık. Neyse ki ikinci günümüzü tamamen tatmin olmuş bir şekilde bitirdik. Bana göre görülmesi gereken üç temel sergi vardı. Méditerranées, Ici Ailleurs, La Friche Belle de Mai... Ve mutlulukla soyluyorum ki ucunu de gorebilmis olmak harikaydi. Bu postta beni en cok etkileyen Méditerranées' den bahsedecegim.
As you see, holiday mood is still going on for me. Again I grabbed my bag and found myself at the airport and of course after couple of hours in the arm of my family. I wish it could be possible that I spent all my weekends at home, even just for my mum's amazing breakfasts. Anyway, the issue is still the weekend being spent in Marseille... As you know our first day was just about discovering streets and new places. That's why we didn't able to see many events or exhibitions except one photography exhibition. Thankfully, we ended the second day exactly satisfied. According to me, there were three basic events. Méditerranées, Ici Ailleurs, La Friche Belle de Mai... And I'm so happy that we were able to visit all off them. On this post mainly I'm gonna talk about Méditerranées which impressed me so much.
Lots of events were waiting for us and we were enthusiastically ready for all of them
Again it's impossible not seeing any wall art while walking on the streets
I love these olive tree pots. Walking around them was like playing hide and seek :)
On our way to Notre Dame de la Garde and we didn't know what kind of wind was waiting for us on the hill. I was barely flying.
And it is Notre Dame de la Garde
Now here is Méditerranées exhibition.
Bildigimiz gibi Odysseia Homeros'un unlu destanlarindan biridir ve bu destan kahraman Odyssesus'un yol hikayelerini anlatir. Iste bu sergide de Odyssesus adiyla secilen herhangi bir modern kahramani hem gecmiste hem de gunumuzde yolculuk ederken buluyoruz. Kahramanimiz kendi sectigi ve iclerinde Tyr, Atina, Cezayir, Tunus, Trablus, Istanbul gibi sehirlerin bulundugu tam 11 akdeniz sehrinden geciyor ve Marsilya'da seyehatini tamamliyordu. Ayrica seyehat ederken bizlere sunulan resimlerden, videolardan bu sehirlerin gecmisten gunumuze politik, tarihi, kulturel vb. degisimlerine taniklik etme sansini yakaliyordunuz. Bir akdenizli olarak, akdenizin tarihini, bugununu bu sekilde gormek, buna sakitlik etmek, muhtesem bir zevkti.
As you know Odyssey is one of the major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer an in this poem we read our hero Ulysses's journey home after the fall of Troy. So what is the relationship ? In this exhibition we find the random Ulysses starting today to meet our contemporaries and their reality and then go back in time, illuminating how exchanges have built our Mediterranean world. His travels took him 11 Mediterranean cities such as Athens, Try, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Istanbul, Marseilles, etc. He emphasizes the civilizational challenge of navigation. Also thank to historical and contemporary videos and paintings, we were able to testify the political, historical, cultural changes in this cities. As a mediterranean I can say that it was a great pleasure seeing the Mediterranean in such a perfect exhibition.
After exhibition we found ourselves in a cute Algerian cafe called Minakouk and taste her delicious desserts and it was a bit strange to see lokum, halva, baklava and the other similar ones in our cuisine. So our tea party with these cookies was so good after the fatal wind of Marseille.
So end of the day again in our lovely hotel Mama Shelter and we had a wonderful saturday nigh with our DJ.
And star of the night Daiquiri Framboise :p
Wish you a wonderful week <3