Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Niagara Falls

Babamla birlikte bende jetlag olmus durumdayim sabah kuslarinin otusunu duymadan uyuyamayan ben  babamla birlikte, saat en gec 11 de uykulara daliyorum. Konuyu buradan sabah 5 te kalkip 6 da yola koyuldugumuz Niagara maceramiza getirecegim. Oyle guzel yerlerden, yollardan, daglardan, nehirlerden gectik ki dura dura, fotograf ceke ceke, yesil gormekten artik bikmis bir sekilde Niagara'ya ulastik. Nasildi diye sorarsaniz ben babamla oraya yapilan yolculukta yasadiklarimi, paylastiklarimi hic bir selaleye, daga tasa degismem ama yinede doga harikasi bir yer ve imkani olan herkesin gormesini tavsiye ederim. Simdilik sizi yuzlerce fotografin arasindan sectigim fotograflarla basbasa birakiyorum ve babamla gezimize kaldigimiz yerden devam ediyorum. Takipte kalin !

As my dad is jet lag, I'm jet lag, too. It's so strange for a girl like me not sleeping until hear the morning birds. As we both wake up early like 5 am, we set off at 6am. We passed through such wonderful places, lakes, mountains that after hours later seeing everywhere green became boring. If you ask me how was the Niagara, I would say I prefer nothing in stead of this trip and what we shared together on roads.  But anyway If you have any opportunity to  go to Niagara Falls, I would highly recommend you to go there. For now I'll leave you with our photos I choice from the inside of hundreds of pics and we gonna keep on our trips . Stay tuned !

Follow me on instagram----> ekocager
                               twitter----> 5thfloor5


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Who doesn't like surprises ?

Uzun bir suredir cok istikrarli gittigimin farkindaydim ve oyle de olacagini umuyordum fakat babamin bana surpriz yapip bekledigim tarihten daha once gelmesi butun blog planlarimi degistirse de,  buradaki tekduze hayatima farkli bir renk getirdi diyebilirim. Simdi biz baba kiz bu sicak havalarda NY'un tadini cikartirken sizi yagmurlardan disariya cikamadigimiz bir havada cekilmis bu outfit postumla basbasa birakiyorum ve en kisa zamanda babacigimla gittigimiz, gezdigimiz yerlerden fotograflar paylasmaya devam edecegim ( kisa bir road trip yapmayi dusunuyoruz da :P ) Ve her blogger gibi daima instagramda kisa paylasimlar halinde olacagim bilmeyenler ve hala takip etmeyenler icin instagram kullanici adim ekocager :) Takipte kalin ;)

I know I was doing great and continuous about this blog thing. But my dad's surprise, coming here earlier than I expected, changed all my plans. Also he changed my regular life here and it's good to be with my dad here. So now while we were enjoying in NY, I' ll leave you alone with my indoor outfit post. It's indoor because rain never able to stop for days and days . By the way guys,  I'll be sharing some pics on my instagram account , about where we are with my daddy or what I'm doing ( we are planning to make a road trip :p ) So as I always do, I'll be tuned on instagram and if you still don't know my user name on instagram here it's ekocager:) Stay tuned !


H&M dress / elbise
Zara shoes / ayakkabilar

Photos Rio Suzuki Ryosuke 
 special thanks to Ami and Miho

Saturday, June 9, 2012

So 70's !

Daha once soylemis miydim bilmiyorum ama benim icin blog yazmanin avantajlarindan birisi de olmak istedigim butun kimliklere burunebiliyorum. Mesela bu postumda biraz da olsa Janis Joplin olmak, 70lerden cikip gelen, bir doneme adini vermis cicek cocuklardan biri gibi gorunmek o istedim... Cunku her zaman ne giyersem giyeyim bir hippie ruhu tasidigima inanirim ve yasadigim yerin Woodstock'a olan yakinligi bunu daha da gercek kiliyor... 

I don't know if I talked about it before or not but for me one of the advantages of writing a blog is having a chance to be whoever I want. For example in this post I wanted to be a Janis Joplin or one of the hippie girls from 70's... Because always doesn't matter what I wear, I always believe that I carry even a little bit hippie soul and living so close to Woodstock makes it more real... 

Follow me on instagram to stay tuned ---> ekocager


Japanese designer jacket
DIY jean short 
TOPSHOP booties
H&M sunnies 

Photos Rio Suzuki Ryosuke