Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Brooklyn Bridge

Eveet NY'taki son bir ayima girmis bulunmaktayim. Bir yil burada yasadiktan sonra buradan ayrilacagima uzuluyor muyum hayir tabi ki de ama cok ozleyecegimi biliyorum. Simdiden donus hazirliklarima basladim, kendimi alisverisin verdigi dayanilmaz hafiflikle Manhattan sokaklarina attim. Ve birden downtown civarlarinda dolasirken arkadasim ve ben bir sene olmus altindan vapurla, uzerinden arabayla gectigimiz Brooklyn Koprusunden hic yurumedigimizi farkettik :) Simdi sizi Sinatra esliginde fotograflarla basbasa birakiyorum bayanlar ve baylar. Hepinize mutlu, huzurlu gunler ! 

Yeap, officially I have just one month to leave NY. If you think I'm sad to leave from here, not at all. But of course I know I'll miss days in here. Anyway,  I've already started to prepare the things and strolled to the streets of Manhattan and shopping of course. While we were in downtown me and my friend suddenly realized that ,although we pass under and over the Brooklyn Bridge, we've never walked over it :) So, now ladies and gentilmens I'm gonna leave you with my photos accompanied by Sinatra. Happy and peaceful day to all of you ! 

Gune boyle basladik

The picture how we started the day

Memorial Day anisina gitmeden Empire State Binasini amerikan bayragi renklerine burunmus olarak gormek cok guzeldi.

Because of Memorial Day before I leave the NY, it was a good to see Empire State Building in color of American flag.

Buarada kimse kusura bakmasin ama bence bu zamana kadar yapilmis en guzel giveawaylerden birini cok severek takip ettigim Ruya'cigim yapti ve bu giveawayi duyurmaktan buyuk mutluluk duyarak, sansli olan guzel bir Schwinn kazansin diyorum.

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1.'in takipçisi olmak ("join this site" aracılığıyla)
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Opsiyonel olarak güncel gelişmeleri takip etmek için ve Chakra Bicycle Boutique'in facebook sayfalarını beğenmek
4. Ne renk Schwinn istediğinize karar vermeniz! :)
Çekiliş 22 Haziran Cuma günü 23:59'da sonlanmış olacak. 

Bonne Chance :)
Fingers crossed !


Zara top / ust
Gap jean short
Topshop loafers 
Chanel bag / canta
Ray Ban Vagabond sunnies / gozlukler 

Photos by me and HD

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Bana kalsa blogum icin konseptli cekimler yapmak isterim ama bazen ne modunuz ne de hava sartlari buna elverisli olmuyor. Zaten blogumu acis amacim da sizlere moda ceklimleri yapayim diye degil, modanin hayatimdaki yerini nerelere gittigimi, gordugumu, neler tattigimi paylasmak amacliydi. Fakat bazen konseptli yaptigimiz bazi cekimleri okadar sevdim ki blogumu icinde hep kendimin yer aldigi styling atolyesine cevirmeyi bir an dusunmedim degil ama simdilik bunlar sadece bir hayalden ibaret okadar amatorum  ki ZAMANla hepimiz gorecegiz neler olacagini :) Simdilik sizleri guzel bir yaz baslangicinda arkadaslarla yemege gittigimiz gece ne giydiklerimle basbasa birakip, hayallerimle biraz daha basbasa kalmak istiyorum :)  Hepinize mutlu pazarlar !

Personally, I wish I could make conceptional photo shootings but unfortunately sometimes neither my mood or the weather doesn't let to do it. Anyway, this was not the reason of my blog, while opening my blog my aim was to show you not only fashion but also where I'm visiting, where I discover or what I taste etc. with high dozen outfit posts :) But I enjoyed with some of my conceptional shootings that, just for a minute I thought turn out my blog to a styling factory just includes me. But for now they are just a dream, even though there are lots of thing to be done in my head but TIME is the only truth will show us what's gonna happen :) Now I'll let you check my outfit from nice warm pre-summer dinner I had with my lovely friends and I'm gonna keep dreaming for a while :)   Happy sunday to all !


Zara Top & Shoes / Ust ve Ayakkabilar
H&M Jean
Marc by Marc Jacobs Bag / Canta

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tomboy !

Butun cocuklugumu paten, kaykay ve bisiklet uclusuyle gecirdim diyebilirim. Yani anlayacaginiz sabahtan aksama kadar disarilarda gezer annemin balkondan gelen cildirmis sesini duymadan da eve gitmezdim. Orta okuldan sonra nereye attigimi bilemedigim kaykaylarimi buradaki arkadasim sayesinde yeniden kazandim. Arada sirada canimiz skildiginda kaykaylarimizi alip evin karsisindaki parka gidip icimizden geldigi gibi kayiyoruz, yeniden cocuk oluyoruz. Bu postumda o eski gunlerin anisina Louboutinleri, Chanelleri, butun sk kiyafetleri bir kenara birakip cok sevdigim tomboy hallerime geri donuyorum ! Blogumda butun Ezgileri gorun istiyorum... Bir gun Louboutinli mini etekli sade ve zarif bir kadin diger gun ise tam bir tomboy... Biz cekerken cok eglendik, umarim sizlerde eglenirsiniz !

I can say that I spent all my childhood skateboarding, riding a bicycle and roller skating triology. So as you understand I didn't go home till my mum scream my name like a crazy from our balcony. Thanks to my house mate I found a skateboard again after the ones I don't know where I threw away after I finished middle school. Sometimes when we get bored at home, we go to park just across to out house, skating however we want and I become a child again. In this post, to the memory of old days, I put away all those Chanels, Louboutins and all chic, classy, fashionable clothes and I turned back to my tomboy style that I love so much ! I want you to see all me on my blog... One day chic and classy women with her pair of Louboutins, other day an exact tomboy with her skateboard... We had too much fun while we were shooting, I hope you will enjoy, too !


Local Market tshirt
Vintage short
American Apparel socks
Supreme and various brands caps
Vans sneakers

Photos by Rio Suzuki Ryosuke and special thanks to Miho and Ami

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Neon Days

Hani kimisi der ya hayatinizda zorlu bir doneme girince biranda her sey zorlasiverir, butun aksilikler sozlesmisler gibi ayni zamanda kesisiverirler... Benim icin de bu post yapamadigim son 10 gun boyle gecti. Durmak bilmeyen yagislar, yogun odev ve final haftasi ve hastalik hali... Ne zaman post yapmak istesem bu uç aksi arkadastan biri onumu kesti. Neyse ki her yagmurun ardindan gunes dogdugu gibi butun bu aksilikler son buldu, hastaligim sona erdi ama beni giderken yalniz birakmadi, kucuk bir elveda hediyesi kondurdu dudagimin sol ust kosesine. Ama bloguma donmek icin artik daha fazla bekleyemezdim ucuk falan umrumda degil. Simdi havalar sicak, butun sevdiklerimi gormeme cok az kaldi ve ben cok tembelim. Buaralar tembelligi kendime verilmis en guzel hediye olarak gorup izlemek, okumak, yemek istedigim ne varsa su anda onlarla ilgileniyorum. Takipte kalin ! 

Some people say ; If something goes wrong in your life, all other wrong things come and find you at the same time... For me those 10 days without making post was like that. Not stop shower, busy paper and final week and sick mood... Whenever I want to make new post, one of these 3 friends prevented me. Fortunately, as after every storm, there's a sunrise, all misfortunes ended up, I recovered. Even though my illness ended up, he wanted to give me good bye present as you will see over my lips. But I couldn't wait to write to you so I don't care my herpes. Now weather is so beautiful, I haven't much time to see the people I love and I'm so lazy. But these days being lazy is a gift given by myself and I care with the things that I want to watch, read and eat. Stay tuned ! 


Charlotte Russe Dress / Elbise
Chanel Bag / Canta
Tory Burch Ballerinas / Babet
Forever 21 and H&M Bracelets / Bileklikler
H&M Necklace / Kolye

Photos Berk Akcay

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Breakfasts

Pazar gunleri en cok aileyle yapilan kahvaltilari ozluyorum ve aslinda benim icin siradan olan o kahvaltilarin ne kadar siradisi ve essiz oldugunu malesef daha yeni yeni kavriyorum. Turkiye'deyken de ailemle yasamiyordum ama sk sk giderim ve eger bu gunler pazarlara da denk gelmisse degmeyin keyfime. Ama gunlerden pazar da olsa gec kalkmak gibi bir luksunuz olamaz bizim evimizde. Uyanilir uyanilmaz anneyle babanin yatagina atlaniverir ( bu kisi genelde ilk ben olurum) arkasindan sesleri duyan kardeslerim kacinci ruyalarini goruyorlarsa gorsunler kiskancliklarina daha fazla karsi koyamadan onlarda damlayiverirler. O yatak fasli bir baska essizdir. Kalkariz annem coktan borekleri firindan cikartmistir.Televizyonda haberler izlenmektedir bi yandan anneye yardim edilirken diger yandan da babayla politika muhabbeti yapilir, stres atilir ve kahvalti masasina oturulur. Iste biz pazarlara boyle baslariz. Simdi ise her sey pek bir farkli. Cift kisilik yatagimdan yalniz uyanip iyice acikana kadar kahvalti hazirlamaya direnen biri oldum ciktim. Her sey ailenizle ve sevdiklerinizle guzel. Bu sabah tavada pismekte olan yalniz omletime bakarken bunlari dusundum ve kahvaltimi yapar yapmaz attim kendimi arkadaslarimin yanina. Ve dedim ki hayatimda olan herkes iyiki varsiniz hayat sizinle cok guzel ! Hepinize mutlu pazarlar !

I miss sunday breakfast done with all my family and unfortunately I've just realized how those breakfasts were unique. Even though I wasn't living with my family when I was in Turkey but still I was visiting them so often and if those days meeting by chance with sundays, I was the happiest girl in this world also despite of sundays, you have no choice to wake up late. As soon as we wake up, we (especially I'm the first) jump over our parents bed and wake them up. This is another thing makes our sundays special in our family. After we wake up, while I'm helping with my mum, I talk a bit politics with my dad who is watching morning news. Here is our usual happy sunday mornings. But now everything is different. Everyday I wake up single from my double bed and wait to prepare my breakfast till starving and now I'm looking my lonely omelet in a pan and thinking about all those beautiful things. Today after I had my breakfast I met some of my friends and I said everybody in my life fortunately you are really in my life. I'm glad to be with all of you. Happy sunday !

If you want to follow me on instagram-----> ekocager

ZARA jean jacket
Benetton jumper / kazak
Random market leggings / Pazardan alinan tayt
TOPSHOP loafers / ayakkabilar
MBMJ bag / canta