Uzuuun bir aradan sonra tekrar merhaba ! Biliyorum bu ay hic dogru duzgun post yapamadim sizlere. Ama inanin cok gecerli sebeplerim vardi birincisi butun sinavlarim, odevlerim bu aya yigildi ve ustune ustluk okul yetmezmis gibi havalar bize surpriz yapmadan duramadi. Anlayacaginiz cok yogun ve yorucu bir aydan sonra sizlere bir Halloween postu yapmak istedim. Hem de ekim sonu kar yagmisken goruntu daha ilginc olur diye dusundum bu arada acimasiz kis yaklasiyor ve sizlere nasil post yaparim diye de kara kara dusunmuyor degilim. Neyse simdi bunlari dusunmeyelim Halloween'in tadini cikartalim!
Iyi eglenceler !
Hi after a looong break ! I know I'm guilty and I didn't really take care of my blog this month but believe me I had really important excuses. First of all my courses , I had lots of mid-terms and papers I had to handle. On the other hand bipolar weather conditions didn't let me do something really nice.As you see after this exhausted month I made new outfit post to you guys. Also I thought it can be good idea show you october snow. By the way winter is getting closer and I'm still thinking how I;m gonna make new posts for you. Anyway let's forget about it for a while and enjoy with Halloween !
Have fun !
MANGO trench coat
NAFNAF dress
ZARA belt
HOTIC boots