Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Still Summer !

Sonbahar geldi ama ben her firsatta, her gunesli gunde yazi yeniden getiriyorum. Sanirim, gidisata bakilirsa bu da son yazlik outfitim olacak. Ozaman bu son yaz gunlerinin tadini cikaralim !

Autumn came but I'm still ,whenever it's sunny, I'm bringing the summer. I think, as I see this will be my last summer outfit but I hope it won't. So, enjoy with this last summer days !


Shirt in a boutique from SOHO
DIY vintage short
Vintage earrings
Unknown designer espadrilles

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Market Time

Oturdugum cevre de yakinlarda her haftasonu kurulan organik urunler satan bir pazar var ev arkadasim Jackie ve ben gitmeye karar verdik. Gitmeden de cok sevdigim filem ile sizlere yeni bir post yapalim dedik.
Herkese iyi haftasonlari !
There is an market around my neighborhood selling organic products. My housemate Jackie and me decided to go but before I want to make a new post with my lovely pouch. 
Have a good week end !




TOPSHOP sweater
DIESEL diy jean short
HUNTER boots 
Unknown brand pouch
CHANEL phone case

Photos by Jackie

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Although I'm sick....

Acikcasi butun gunumu evde hasta hasta yatarak gecirmeye hic niyetim yoktu. Bu arada bilmiyorsunuz tabi ben hasta oldum aslinda kolay kolay hasta olmayan ben Amerika'daki ani hava degisimlerine alisamadi, sifayi kapti tabii ve careyi hemen antibiyotiklerde buldu. Cok iyi bir ogrenci oldugum icin butun odevlerimi de bitirdigime gore artik sizlere de zaman ayirmanin vakti gelmistir dedim ve hasta yatagimdan kalktim size post yaptim.
Saglikla kalin !
Actually I have no intention to spend all day in my bad. By the way you don't know how I got sick. Although I was not kind of person get sick easily, I couldn't use to sudden weather changes in U.S and finally I'm sick also I'm thinking live happily ever after with my antibiotics :) At the same time I'm a really good student that I finished all my homework. So it's time to devote some time to you. Here is the  new post.
Peace out !


ZARA jean / jean shirt
Unknown designer necklace
STEVE MADDEN platforms

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me on NYFW

Ve iste o gun ben ne giymistim. Gercekten hayal kirikligina ugrayabilirsiniz. Kendi outfitimi sona biraktim aslinda cok da ozel seyler giydigimden degil. Sadece icimden oyle geldi.  :)  Buarada fotograflara gelmeden once izlemenizi istedigim, bana gore hala yetersiz olan ingilizcemle yapilmis olan bir ROPORTAJ var. 
Iyi eglenceler !

Here it is what I wore during NYFW. Really I might be disappointing. I post my outfit lastly but its not the  reason I wore so special things I just wanted to publish it later :) By the way here there is an  INTERVIEW with my poor english according to me. I just want you check it.
Have fun !

Gunun sonunda kendime verdigim 2 ayakkabi hediyesinden sonraki yemek :) 
After 2 shoes gift I gave myself 3rd one was this sandwich :)


Skirt from a boutique at SOHO
TOPSHOP booties

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Faces and Styles From NYFW vol.3

Evet bu da 3. ve son post NYFW ile ilgili. Yakaladigim ne kadar fotograf varsa paylasabildigim kadarini sizlerle paylasmak istedim o yuzden 3 gune yaydim. Yarin ise NYFW te ben ne giydim ile karsinizda olacagim. Hepinize huzurlu ve mutlu haftasonlari diliyorum.
Here is the 3rd and last post about NYFW. I  tried to share almost all pictures as much as I can. Thats why I divided them into 3 days. Tomorrow you'll see what I wore at NYFW. Have a peaceful and happy weekend to all.

Sariyi ve kirmiziyi kombinlemeyi hic bir zaman istememisimdir aslinda istememekten de ote hic bir zaman guzel duracagini dusunmedim. ( kesinlikle futbol takimlariyla ilgisi yoktur :) Ama burdaki kombin bence hic te fena sayilmaz derim. Sizce ?
I don't know why but I've never thought red and yellow together on an outfit. ( no relation with any football teams colors :) So, I've never tried. But I think this combine looks cool. Doesn't it ?

''Moda öldü'' isimli ironik bir show.
Kind of ironic show named ''Fashion is dead''