Friday, December 30, 2011

New Purchases for New Year

Yeni yil oncesi bir kozmetik postu yapayim dedim. Kirmizi her zaman yeni yilin vazgecilmez rengidir bende ortama uyum sagladim ve bunlari yilbasi icin aldim zaten kirmizi oje vazgecilmezimdi ama kirmizi ruju degisiklik olsun diye aldim ve sonuctan cok memnun kaldim. Diger oje ise zaten daha onceden almak istedigim bir renkti ne tesaduftur ki sevgilimin ablasi bana christmas hediyesi olarak almis. Aslinda gunluk olarak ruj kullanan birisi degilim ama yilbasinda giyecegim elbisemle kirmizi cok hos olur diye dusundum. Zaten hemen ertesinde Barselona'dan yeni yil postum gelicek sizlerinde. Simdiden herkese sevdikleriyle birlikte herseyin yepyeni olacagi, saglikli, mutlu, basarili, huzurlu ve ask dolu bir yil diliyorum. Sevgiler...

Red is the color of New Year all the time so, I accommodate it and I bought these babies. Red nail polish is my favorite all the time but I'm not kind of person using lipstick daily but this time I couldn't resist this chanel lipstick also I thought it will be good with my dress I choose for the new year dinner. The other nail polish is the one of my favorite of Chanel and what a coincidence that my boyfriend's sister choose it for me as a christmas gift. I'll make a post from Barcelona what happened in new year and what I wore. I wish for all peace, love, success, health, happiness in new year. Enjoy !

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fully Basque

Evet uzunca bir aradan sonra yeniden bloguma ve istedigim, heyecanla bekledigim o guzelim tatilime kavustum. Uzunca bir sure yazamadim biliyorum ama ben birden fazla birseyi birarada pek yurutebilen biri degilim. Ozellikle bu tur seyler benim onem verdigim seylerse. Okulumun ilk donemini bitirdim ama bende bittim diyebilirim. Son bir ay sevgilimle ve ailemle yapacagim tatilin hayalini kurarak kendimi finallerime adadim ve haliyle ne bloguma ne de kendime vakit ayirabildim. Nihayet beklenen an geldi ve tatilime basladim. Bende yeni yerler gezerken, yeni tatlar kesfederken sizleri de bu geziden mahrum birakmayacagim tabiki. Elimden geldigince her seyi yayinlamaya calisacagim. Bu tatilimde Fransa'nin ve Ispanya'nin cok farkli bir yonunu, Bask bolgesini kesfettim. Birbirine cok yakin iki ülkede iki ayni kültür. Ilk gün Ispanya'nin Bilbao sehrindeki Guggenheim Bilbao 'yu gezmeye gittik biraz da sehir turu attik tabi ama Bilbao'dan fotograf koyamadim cunku muze disinda biyerin fotograflarini cekmedim pek. Asagida fotograflarini goreceginiz sehir ise Fransa'nin bask bolgesindeki en guzel sehirlerinden biri Bayonne. Ben Bayonne'u hayatimda ictigim en guzel sicak cikolatayla hatirlayacagim. Haydi simdi fotograflara bir goz atalim. 

After long break I turned back to my lovely readers and my blog. Also reunited with my holiday. I know I couldn't write to my blog for a long time but I'm not kind of person doing a lot of thing at the same time. Especially if those things are the ones that I care a lot. I want to focus what I 'm doing at that time.So, I finished the fall term in university but I can barely say It was so painful. I miss my family and boy friend a lot and I studied all my finals dreaming my holiday with them. Finally I'm in France, Basque Country with my boyfriend now. While I'm discovering new places and new tastes, I'll try to make new posts. Some of them will be outfit posts but some of them will be just my travel notes. First day we've been in Bilbao which is belongs to Basque Country in Spain. Actually we went there just to visit Guggenheim Bilbao, that's why I couldn't put pictures of Bilbao but in below you will see another wonderful  basque city in France is Bayonne. I'll remember Bayonne with amazing hot chocolate. Let's have glance at pictures of this wonderful city.

Do art not shopping ! 
But for me do art do shopping consciously :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Before Europe

Aslinda bu haberi gidene kadar soylemeyecektim ama her sey bu sapka yuzunden. Kizlarla alisveris yaparken aldigim her seyi kucuk avrupa turum icin aldigimi farkettim. Sunu alsam Paris'te giyerim bunu alsam Barselona'da giyerim gibilerinden biliyorum daha coook var. Aslinda cok dediysem de 40 guncuk, sevgilime, sevdiklerime  kavusmama kalan o "kisa" 40 gun :) Iste bu sapkayi alirken de Barselona'da bol bol kullanirim diye dusundum. Nasil fikir sizce ?

Actually I would never speak about my little Europe trip till hit the road but I couldn't stop myself because of this cute hat. While I was shopping with my girls, I realized that I was buying everything for my vacation saying this piece will fit for Paris and the other for Barcelona. I know I have so much time to think about it. Actually just 40 days. "Bit" 40 days to hug my boyfriend and people I love :) So, while I was buying this hat, I thought I'm going to use this so often in Barcelona. What do you think ?


MUDO coat
MANGO shirt
DIESEL jean short
FOREVER 21 hat and ballerinas

Photos by Meltem Yücel

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mutlu Bayramlar !

Öncelikle herkese mutlu bayramlar ! Her ne kadar bu bayram ailemden ayri gecirdigim ikinci bayram olup beni biraz huzunlendirse de olsun onlar hep benimleler zaten nerede oldugumun hic bir onemi yok diyerek kendimi biraz olsun telkin ediyorum. Hem ayrica ailemden uzak bir bayram bana bir bayrami daha en yakin arkadaslarimla doyasiya eglenerek gecirme firsati sundu. Yani anlayacaginiz bütün kizlar toplandik :) Tekrardan hepinize ailenizle ve sevdiklerinizle daha nice nice mutlu ve saglikli bayramlar diliyorum !

Happy holiday to all ! Although I'm sad because this is my second feast away from my family, I'm instilling  myself saying doesn't matter where I'm, they are with me. On the other hand this feast gave me chance to celebrate it with my best girlfriends. As you see we had a big girly party :) So have a great holiday and feast with your family and people you love !


MANGO jeans
ALDO boots

Photos by Meltem Yucel

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat !

Uzuuun bir aradan sonra tekrar merhaba ! Biliyorum bu ay hic dogru duzgun post yapamadim sizlere. Ama inanin cok gecerli sebeplerim vardi birincisi butun sinavlarim, odevlerim bu aya yigildi ve ustune ustluk okul yetmezmis gibi havalar bize surpriz yapmadan duramadi. Anlayacaginiz cok yogun ve yorucu bir aydan sonra sizlere bir Halloween postu yapmak istedim. Hem de ekim sonu kar yagmisken goruntu daha ilginc olur diye dusundum bu arada acimasiz kis yaklasiyor ve sizlere nasil post yaparim diye de kara kara dusunmuyor degilim. Neyse simdi bunlari dusunmeyelim Halloween'in tadini cikartalim! 
Iyi eglenceler !
Hi after a looong break ! I know I'm guilty and I didn't really take care of my blog this month but believe me I had really important excuses. First of all my courses , I had lots of mid-terms and papers I had to handle. On the other hand bipolar weather conditions didn't let me do something really nice.As you see after this exhausted month I made new outfit post to you guys. Also I thought it can be good idea show you   october snow. By the way winter is getting closer and I'm still thinking how I;m gonna make new posts for you. Anyway let's forget about it for a while and enjoy with Halloween !
Have fun !


MANGO trench coat
NAFNAF dress
ZARA belt
HOTIC boots

Friday, October 14, 2011

Alexa Chung for Madewell

Alexa Chung' a olan hayranligimdan bahsetmisken, Madewell icin tasarladigi muhtesem seyleri sizlerle paylasmadan edemedim. Her ne kadar Turkiye' ye henuz gelmemis olan bir marka olsa da ben Madewell icin Alexa Chung koleksiyonunu ayaklariniza kadar getirdim :)  Haydi simdi en sevdiginiz parcalari benimle paylasma vakti ! 

I talked about Alexa Chung on my latest post and now I want to share the full collection of Alexa Chung for Madewell. Although you have no Madewell in Turkey, it's a great pleasure for me present this wonderful collection to you :) Let's pick your favorite its and tell me. I'm looking forward your comments !

This jacket is one of my favorites. 
Bu siyah beyaz ceket favorilerimden birisi oldu.

I love this style. Both classy, sportive and cool !
Bu tarzi cok sevdim. Hem klasik hem sportif hemde cok cool !

Here is my top favorite piece of this collection. These stylish boots ! It's on my list !
Iste bu koleksiyondaki en favori parcam leopar desenli bu botlar ! En kisa zamanda alinacaklar listemde !

Photos via